Staci Bishop

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Uganda Trip Preparation Update

At this point, the reality of my trip has set in yet I stay on the same roller coaster of emotions ranging from super excited to super anxious. Today, I'm somewhere in between so I thought I'd post a little update on what's been happening.

Last week I found out that Mercy for Mamas is applying for non-profit status. That means that all donations made payable to them (and earmarked for me) will be tax-deductible for you. Yay!

Mercy for Mamas  |  1604 Prairie Run Circle  |  Mulvane, KS 67110 

As many of you know, the only reason I even know where Uganda sits on the map is thanks to my Birmingham Bestie who adopted her little one from there in 2010.

Guess what.

Wait for it.....

She's going on the trip too!!!!!!!!!! How crazy awesome is it that I'm getting to visit Uganda for the first time with the person who introduced me to this country? God sure has a way of making good things even better! This trip has sweet memories already and I haven't even left yet.

Up next is renewing my passport that is currently expired. That's going to require a trip to the passport office, also known as the post office, so I'm sure you understand my delay. I never know what I'm going to get, so I'm hoping I catch them on a good day. ;)

I appreciate each and every one of you who have been excited right along with me and for those who have offered to pray for me. It warms my heart! For those who have already made donations, please know that each one has caused me to squeal with glee (or do the ugly cry) because I'm just so grateful! Every little bit puts me one step closer to helping mothers and babies in Uganda in a unique way. Thank you!

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