Staci Bishop

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Reading Roundup

My favorite posts, articles, videos and more from this week. Enjoy!

C-sections aren't always best for preterm babies - "the researchers found that babies born via C-section were 30 percent more likely to develop respiratory distress syndrome. And this may have long term fallout for the babies..."

Big study: Vaccinated Kids 2-5 More Diseases Than Unvaccinated - My first thought when I saw this study was "I wonder how many of the nonvaxed kids were also breastfed or in families who make other "alternative" health choices. I do think the study could have been more controlled. Regardless, it still shows that "something" is at play here that is making a difference. However, not to discount the study, I feel that not vaccinating can quite easily be the key. By not vaxing, we never trick the immune system to start with. Therefore, the body learns to defend on it's own.

[Not surprisingly, this article got a lot of flack on Facebook from pro-vax individuals. Just so we are clear on my position, I don't have anything against parents who choose to vax. I would certainly prefer that they do it on a delayed schedule but that's obviously not my call. I have counseled many friends as they embarked upon this choice. Ultimately, their final decision doesn't matter to me. It matters that they took the time to ask questions, research it, and decide what route is best for their family. An educated decision, no matter what it is, always wins in my book.]

Birth Center Featured at Obama Administration's Announcement of the Strong Start Funding Initiative - "The recognition of he work of midwifery model birth centers and reducing the numbers of pre term births, low birth weight infants, and cesarean sections..."

Facebook Nurse-In: 60 Breastfeeding Moms Protest at Facebook Headquarters - Facebook has become notorious for suspending users and banning breastfeeding photos. These nurse-ins took place around the world at various FB HQ locations. This resulted in Facebook issuing a new statement regarding their position on the photos. While a nurse-in might seem extreme, they are certainly making a point to help normalize breastfeeding in public, which is protected by law in all states.

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