DIY - Siblings at Birth Class - Wonderful information if you are considering having your child present at the birth of their sibling.
Learning Things the Hard Way - "Just because information is not widely accepted, doesn’t mean it’s not true."
Milk Sharing: A Toddler Breastfed by Others - Even if you are unable to breastfeed, there are other options out there for giving your baby breastmilk. The end of this post has some great links and resources.
Homebirths in U.S. rise by 29 percent after lower costs and 'Hollywood Influence' - "With the recent decline in home risks, additional reasons for the recent increase in home births may be the desire for a 'low-intervention' birth, the mother having specifically desired surroundings, a so-called Hollywood motivation, and even lower costs."
3 Reasons to use Cloth Diapers - " takes 250-500 years for those diapers to breakdown! The very first disposable diaper created in the 1950’s is still in the landfill."
The following video may be my new favorite home birth video. It shows just how this senario can be a normal, natural, calm, and positive experience for everyone. FYI - I totally got choked up when they put baby skin-to-skin with Dad. So sweet!
Labor of Love - This video is 45 minutes long. However, it follows two families and their homebirth experience. If you are considering a midwife or a homebirth, you might find it beneficial to see the care they received.