Staci Bishop

Friday, January 3, 2014

My 2013 Doula Babies

Here is a look back at what I experienced in 2013 as I helped 7 beautiful families.

  • 2 girls (making it a streak of 7 girls from last year), followed by 5 boys in a row
  • I had 3 clients having their 1st child, 3 clients having their 2nd child, and 1 client having her 4th child.  
  • Earliest delivery was 38 weeks, 3 days and the longest was 41 weeks, 0 days. 
  • The average gestation was 39 weeks, 4 days for my 1st time moms. 
  • The shortest labor was 6 hours the longest labor was 66 hours. 
  • I attended births at Summit, Maury Regional, and Vanderbilt hospitals. 
  • Midwives were present at 4 of the births, and an obstetrician was present at the other 3.
  • An epidural was chosen 33% of the time. 
  • Pitocin was only used in 2 deliveries. 
  • With my VBAC clients, there was a 50% success rate. All other clients delivered vaginally. 
  • Induction, assisted delivery (forceps) and episiotomy rates were all low at 14% (1 out of 7).

One big accomplishment for this year was completing my Hypno-Doula Certification. I absolutely adore working with Hypnobabies moms! Other memorable moments included being able to assist the midwife in delivering a baby and being selected to cut the cord for another baby. I also served my first repeat client this year. It's such a privilege to be invited back to assist a family for such a memorable occasion.

Wonder what 2014 will bring?

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